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preconceived notion中文是什么意思

用"preconceived notion"造句"preconceived notion"怎么读"preconceived notion" in a sentence


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  • It is essential first to get rid of preconceived notions .
  • And what would make you create them aside from your preconceived notions of how the mechanics of breathing have to work
  • He has learned his skills through experience, and so he is unfettered by preconceived notions of what " the book " says is the right or wrong approach
  • He showed me how the scientific method helps us look at the world as it truly is, without preconceived notions, without distortions, and without faith
  • You adapt well to new ideas and you are able to identify potential in a new idea while others may overlook it because it does not fit into their preconceived notions
  • As in the game, competition is another form of mutual help that can stimulate initiates latent ability and correct their bad habits . preconceived notions are obstacles in spiritual practice and not too easy to perceive
  • It was evident that it had long been napoleons conviction that no possibility existed of his making mistakes . to his mind all he did was good, not because it was in harmony with any preconceived notion of good or bad, but simply because it was he
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